I hate shopping...but I still like clothes.

A gorgeous dress, stunning heels, dangley earrings and a sweet fragrance...nothing makes me feel prettier. Now if only these things would magically appear in my closet. Welcome to my year of personal shoppers.

Jul 27, 2011

The Real Reason: I'm Lazy

It's been a long time....I know! It's nearly August and I still haven't posted pics from April...I'm terrible. (although I will give myself a tiny out, by saying I didn't get some of my April clothes until last month.) BUT STILL, it's not the real excuse for my lack of activity on this blog. I got tons of clothes for my birthday (in April)...and it was my intention to comment on them, but well ya know, and most of you do know....I'm super LAZY.

And I think this is the main reason why I Hate Shopping. It takes a lot of energy to squarer racks of clothes, hunt like buried treasure to find the right size, then peel off your current wardrobe in a closet with a crappy curtain, that curls wrong on one end to partially reveal all of your problem areas illuminated by bad lighting. Not to mention having to deal with Jamie, who keeps coming back every five seconds to ask you if you need anything else, or if you want a belt, or need another size. "Jaime don't you have some shirts to fold somewhere!? Please go away."

Hmm, now that I think about it...maybe it's not Laziness. That little rant sounds more like I'm really impatient. It's not that I hate crowds or the people that work at the stores....or maybe it is. Most of them can be idiots. I once went to Banana Republic because I had about $300 worth of gift cards there. Decided that I would go through every rack with a fine tooth comb. I must have had about 8 articles in my arm when a saleswoman asked if I wanted to start a room. Sure, I said and handed my pile over. I looked around for another 20 minutes or so. In total I probably strolled around for an hour. I was finally satisfied with myself and my complete search. I went back to the dressing rooms and asked where my room was. And what do you know....they had put everything back. I can't remember what my initial reaction was...but I'm quite sure I gave them an evil glare, said that I'd been looking for over 2 hours (complete exaggeration), and then stormed out in utter frustration.
I don't do very well with bad customer service. A sure sign that I'll be a cranky ole bitch when I retire.

But back to my initial excuse: Laziness. I still think it's the root of my distaste for shopping. I like to lay about the couch and watch TV for hours on end. I like to make lists of goals that I should really accomplish, but always allow something shiny to distract me from their completion. I've had it in my head for months to take photos of all of the birthday clothes I received from my awesome friends, but then I think..."oh wait the ONE item is dirty. I should really wait until everything is clean before I pull out that camera." But it's not like I put up an umbrella light and a back drop or something. I turn on my closet light, take out my camera that is ALWAYS in my purse, point and shoot. But the entire task of doing that seems so daunting when Friday Night Lights and Coach Taylor's blue eyes are waiting for me on my DVR.

Anyway....this is my pledge of sorts, to try and be better about posting photos and write ups in the coming weeks. Although Season 4 of Sons of Anarchy starts soon, and Charlie Hunnman will be my excuse next month if I haven't posted anything new.

Love Laura