I hate shopping...but I still like clothes.

A gorgeous dress, stunning heels, dangley earrings and a sweet fragrance...nothing makes me feel prettier. Now if only these things would magically appear in my closet. Welcome to my year of personal shoppers.

Sep 28, 2011

April - My Birthday!!!

I have really great friends, with some of the most giving hearts. Many have done so much for charity. Helping refugees in Ghana, riding for AIDS, walking for Alzheimer's and sorting food for the hungry. Most recently my friends Andi and Jen decided to forgo birthday presents. Instead they asked friends to donate to a water charity in Africa.....well thank God that trend didn't start until August, cause I got a crap load of CLOTHES for my birthday in April!!!WOOHOOO!!!

Don't judge...I do my part for charity too! But birthday's are special...and I like me some pressies!!

Since I had already started this year long project of personal shoppers, most of my friends decided to buy me clothes for my birthday. And let me tell you....I hit the jackpot!! Paul went a little overboard...but that usually goes without saying. I got a lot of dresses, some super hot heels, and a granny sweater that I want to live in everyday. I'm terrible at Thank You cards...so hopefully this makes up for it. Thanks Guys!!! I loved my birthday presents!!

From Ami

From Ami

From Andi

From Marina - and she hates to shop too! :-)

From Amanda

From Amanda

From Autumn

From Tim & Vanessa

From Tim & Vanessa

From Jazmin

From Paul

From Paul

From Paul

From Paul

From Paul

From...you guessed it....Paul!!
 Thank you Everyone!!! Love Laura

Sep 1, 2011

April - Amanda

Have you ever met someone and almost instantly become BFFs? I have a lot of close friends, as you'll be able to see as the year goes on, but besides walking up to Carrie Watson on the first day of  kindergarten and straight up asking her if she wanted to be best friends, this doesn't happen often. (Congrats to Carrie by the way - she's gonna be a Momma soon!) So imagine my surprise when I interviewed this very pretty, giddy and funny blonde girl from ULV (go Leos) for a job on The Restaurant and I not only gave her the job but a big hug at the end of our first meeting!!! I can honestly say, without question that Amanda Stutevoss Coppola was my friend from the start.

Now mind you it's been over 8 years since we met, so my memory of this is really fuzzy AND she was one of the first people I EVER interviewed so I was extremely nervous. What I do remember is not the interview, but the very first day she started work. I ended up not needing her on my show, so I passed her  on to Survivor. She comes in and just as she's about to get trained with a bunch of other people, I walk over, we basically squeal at each other and then hug. Our life after that first day sounds very much like a typical Rom-Com, or at the very least a cooler version of Crossroads with Britney Spears. We spent almost everyday that summer together -  working late hours, goofing off, hanging out, meeting new boys, spending way too much money at OPEN BAR parties, and then just like that she moved in with Jaz and me! It was Kismet.

Just to be fair, this is what Amanda remembers from the interview since I don't...I was apparently wearing a white tunic shirt, my hair was curly and I gave her a big hug at the end of the interview. Now I ask you....If she can remember what the hell I was wearing 8 years ago when we first met, why wouldn't I ask her to shop for me?! Especially since I think I still have that white tunic!

Now think way back to earlier this year when I was "Right on top of that Rose," and wrote my March entry for Ami, you'll remember that she was all about "The Look For Less" - shopping under the tightest of budgets. Well just throw that right out the window, because we are talking about Amanda and this concept is completely unnatural to her. (Sorry Dave, but I'm pretty sure you knew this before you married her :-). Amanda is not a sales type of girl. The Heart wants what the Heart wants...and Amanda has never entered a Macy's she did not Heart. Before I even handed Amanda the money for April she asked me if she could contribute, because $150 was guaranteed to only buy me one thing! And well...she kind of wasn't kidding! Amanda ended up spending about $60 of her own money!! That's my girl!! (Or Dave's - whatever)

Amanda is one busy woman! She is a loving wife to Dave, a devoted mother to beautiful one year old Molly Jo and she was the post supervisor on Swamp People (the #1 show on History). So it's safe to say that Amanda doesn't have a lot of time. She, like many working women these days, does most of her shopping online. And although she usually has great success with this, everything she ordered for me came in too big. In total she had to return about 20 things before I even saw them!! She was however, able to give me a pair of grey skinny stretch jeans in May, but with all the returns my final pieces were delayed. I think it was frustration that finally got to her, or maybe it was Dave making fun of her for taking so long, so she made the decision to take a day off from work and just head to the mall! Now that's dedication!! (I think she bought herself a few thing as well, but that's besides the point). A couple of days later I was trying on a super cute Marc Jacobs striped dress and a colorful summer dress covered in dots - and they both fit perfectly!!

Amanda is a terrific friend. Don't ask her to stick around if someone breaks into your apartment...but a terrific friend none the less :-). Shes' a great person to talk to, she has watched every episode of Oprah, so she has wonderful advice to give, and I give her sole credit for making me comfortable saying the words I Love You. "I love you" was something I felt, but never said. I had written it on plenty of Valentine cards and in a fan letter to Bruce Willis, but never said it to the people that mattered most. Amanda felt comfortable to say it before every departure: phone, email and in person. It was easy. It was comforting. It was true. I now say it often to my family and my dear friends, because it's nice to hear and it's nice to know. So Amanda....thank you and I Love You - I can finally throw that white tunic away :-) jk!