I hate shopping...but I still like clothes.

A gorgeous dress, stunning heels, dangley earrings and a sweet fragrance...nothing makes me feel prettier. Now if only these things would magically appear in my closet. Welcome to my year of personal shoppers.

Aug 9, 2011

Like Eminem - Cleanin Out My Closet

Sometime late last year I mentioned to my friend Andi that I was wearing an old shirt to work. How old?? "Hmm...let's see....I bought it when I was a sophomore in high school." She then proceeded to berate me on how I can't do that. I told her it was still in good condition. It's not like it had holes or was worn through. She said it didn't matter it was totally out of style. Mind you, we were talking over AIM/Email (can't remember which), so she couldn't even see it. Then she asked me to describe it. Ribbed, gray, crew neck, long sleeve. Andi: Ribbed??!! OMG! Laura!!!! (or something to that effect).
Me: Fine!!! Okay!! I need new clothes!! Jeez!!

I think this was when I walked into my closet to assess my wardrobe. I LOVE my closet by the way. It's the real reason I moved into my apartment, and why I can never think about leaving it. It's large. No I mean LARGE. And has tons of space for my shoes and purses. But I clearly don't utilize it to it's full potential. Hanging clothes has never been my preference. I really prefer to fold. But I'm working on it. I even started hanging my jeans....which were folded in a drawer (on a good day). They were usually thrown over my big red chair. So I cleaned out the chamber a few weeks ago, then took a twirl in all it's spacious glory.

In the hours it took me to clean my room and as I hung things properly on (WIRE!!) hangers I recalled another of Andi's lectures..."You have to throw one thing out for every new thing you get." There are some things that I hope to never part with, like my denim overalls. Don't judge! I haven't worn them in YEARS! But I just can't seem to let them go. They were my "go to" outfit in college. They went perfectly with my red velvet platform creepers....another thing I will NEVER throw out. But I was diligent and I started pulling stuff off the racks that should have gone long ago, and things that just should have never been purchased.

It doesn't look like much, but this pile filled two kitchen size trash bags to their stretchable limit. I planned on donating these New To You Goodies to the Los Angeles Downtown Women's Center a couple of months ago...but a free Saturday morning has been hard to come by lately. So those blue 909 platform flip-flops and green suede Vans sit at the top of the stairs, along with that tan corduroy blazer from Old Navy, until some day later this year.

So Andi....this is for you! More than 1 item in exchange for every new thing I will get this year. But don't you dare touch my white Doc Martins. I won't give them up!! Some things are just Sacred!!

P.S. I actually pulled out those Velcro water shoes last Friday for my weekend of white water rafting. Apparently I need to keep those now.


  1. Fun, fun, fun!! I love reading you! :)

  2. Well it doesn't look like anything I have bought you made the pile, but I'm pretty sure the Piggly Wiggly t-shirt was tossed out long ago. =^D Good job sister!

  3. OMG laura i am so proud of you! I totally think that some things (like white doc martins) can be considered vintage! And I probably would have kept the overalls too - ya never know when you'll need a hillbilly costume in a pinch! BUT ribbed, crew neck 1993 gap sweaters will NEVER become vintage! So i hope that made the toss away pile! can't wait to see your closet all cleaned up and good luck with hanging those jeans!
