I hate shopping...but I still like clothes.

A gorgeous dress, stunning heels, dangley earrings and a sweet fragrance...nothing makes me feel prettier. Now if only these things would magically appear in my closet. Welcome to my year of personal shoppers.

Sep 28, 2011

April - My Birthday!!!

I have really great friends, with some of the most giving hearts. Many have done so much for charity. Helping refugees in Ghana, riding for AIDS, walking for Alzheimer's and sorting food for the hungry. Most recently my friends Andi and Jen decided to forgo birthday presents. Instead they asked friends to donate to a water charity in Africa.....well thank God that trend didn't start until August, cause I got a crap load of CLOTHES for my birthday in April!!!WOOHOOO!!!

Don't judge...I do my part for charity too! But birthday's are special...and I like me some pressies!!

Since I had already started this year long project of personal shoppers, most of my friends decided to buy me clothes for my birthday. And let me tell you....I hit the jackpot!! Paul went a little overboard...but that usually goes without saying. I got a lot of dresses, some super hot heels, and a granny sweater that I want to live in everyday. I'm terrible at Thank You cards...so hopefully this makes up for it. Thanks Guys!!! I loved my birthday presents!!

From Ami

From Ami

From Andi

From Marina - and she hates to shop too! :-)

From Amanda

From Amanda

From Autumn

From Tim & Vanessa

From Tim & Vanessa

From Jazmin

From Paul

From Paul

From Paul

From Paul

From Paul

From...you guessed it....Paul!!
 Thank you Everyone!!! Love Laura


  1. man paul hooked you UP! and i forgot about those shoes from jaz! love the clothes. can't say i've seen all of them yet! how is that when we hang every weekend! where's the skirts from paul and marina? and the tank from t&v and the shirt from autumn, so cute! girl break that shit out! love the blur halter dress from ami! don't think i've seen that one either! soooo cute! you have a ton of new clothes to wear laura!!!!!!!!

  2. Love the clothes. I gotta say Paul did some serious shopping :)
    - Ami

  3. Werk it girl! Love you new clothes for sure!!!! XOXO

  4. Andi, I've worn everything!! Sorry it hasn't been when you're around.
